The Mission to Save the Earth

We are an EPA registered alternative fueling solution supplier and contract manufacturer.  Home of the Freefuelsystem best suited for fleets and / or industrial equipment applications.  Rather than sell, we license our systems because the EPA program requires it and it keeps us committed to making sure the product always  works - and with our gas station program it effectively means a lifetime replacement warranty on critical parts.  Hughes tool and die did this with the world famous rotary drill bit of the oil exploration industry.  When it failed in drilling, they supplied another and took the old one for analysis, rebuilding, and improvements. 

We can lawfully build - convert - remanufacture  any GM Small Block V-8  powered application to on the fly generated low pressure pure hydrogen powered scenario from water as a primary fuel stock.  Order our gashole video to create an account and ask in the notes about what you want to do. Primarily aimed at fleets and businesses. We will consider developing other solutions.  Ask us. 

Our system is suited well for bi-fueling RV and Trucks, some already CARB  approved, but EPA certification is better, and early adopters get the top of the affiliate chain.   We can reduce your fuel costs 50% or more.  Each engine is different and we do and must follow EPA regulations to register for each system designed and vended.  Be clear, it is illegal for you to do this yourself. We will not help you do so. 

Of course you do not believe it. Can you really operate a vehicle for 50 cents per gallon ???  Yes, but also the electric vehicle bubble is bursting.  People have gotten smart and leery of waiting to feed their horse often waiting in line to even get to the trough - I mean charger.  You wait long enough at a vehicle charging station bank and you will see a tow truck appear with an EV with a dead battery towed to the feeding trough.  You can sometimes see one pull in with a for sale sign in the window.   EV sales are slowing.  If they break down you cannot fix it.  Telsa will not even sell many parts at all to the customer.  On the flip side a hydrogen on the fly powered vehicle means you can stop at any water source and fill up.  See  and

Electric Vehicle industry is dead.  Watch  these and weep or laugh, your choice. and and and  and  and and and and and and and and and lately, China has kicked all American businesses out of China

In China you can not register a non EV without huge fees and the problems range from silly to deadly with them. and Tesla is quickly dying

Musk "water engine"  Reality we cannot use fresh water and exhaust it into the air.  There is barely enough water to drink for humans and agricultural needs.  At its core there is no such thing as a water engine.  This implementation is a Hydrogen fuel cell to power a Tesla.  Exhaust on the road will freeze in cold climates and create road fog in other places.  

A  desalination system to supplement and pipe inland fresh water consumed by the vehicles from seawater would be needed. Water freezes so the fuel is actually Hydrogen in tanks.  The scenario  got ugly fast.  The real solution is on the fly generated low pressure pure hydrogen powered internal combustion engines that recapture and reprocessed exhaust moisture.  This is Musk BS not because it cannot done but because it creates plenty of problems the most being fifty percent of America is below freezing very often so you cannot drive along pouring water on the road.  Duh.

Electric cars are a fools investment because the battery replacements got beyond ugly real fast at more than the value of the vehicle.  Ours is a real workable legal scenario here today way cheaper that use existing infrastructure 

Why EV's won't  work  What To Do When Your Tesla Battery Fails and You Can’t Afford To Fix it because the bill will be $15,000 to $25,000 and there is no running to Autozone to do a self repair. htttps:// and Lithium and battery technology is the trip trap which only gets more expensive - see -

$60,000 for an IONIO5 Battery - and the insurance will just write it off totalled.

My electric car is worthless.  Paid $120,000 owes $65,000 and it is only worth $45,000 at best when sold or traded for a $20,000 loss minimum.

Here is the smart way to build an "electric vehicle" in this case a Class 8 truck that is cheaper, convertable kits can be done, and you will never run out of fuel if it is converted to be Hydrogen powered to make its own hydrogen as it drives. 

This is what you go through to pull a load in cold weather with an electric vehicle.  We are pretty sure NO electric truck will still be running in 40 years without major work and at least a couple of costly battery replacements.  With our system this could be PUT ON a 40 year old  vehicle and be driving for free with water and alcohol (E85)   water mix just about anywhere easily.  See

The world is not going to nor can it, stop using using fueled  internal combustion engines.  Change the fuel instead to Hydrogen. Through our early bird affiliate program if you are the first to adopt  an application for re-fueling or bi-fueling to an EPA certified solution you will earn a sales royalty for each one of those solutions vended by us.  It can be an engine family or vehicle adoption.  This is also the path to our lifetime warranty.  This will economically replace the fossil fuels and electric vehicles also.  A change to Hydrogen fuel - no matter how technically changing it - is the only solution. 

Here is the three part PBS FRONTLINE documentary on the climate change fight starting with Exxon knowing in 1979 that this going to be trouble for the planet.   About an hour and a half each. and and  and as to Trump 

Hydrogen is the future, and Japan surrounded by the Ocean has an absolute free source of unlimited fuel.  See and soon steel all over the world will be made using Hydrogen.  See but of course there is no high pressure storage and use issues with on the fly generation as we do.

Toyota appears is all in on Internal Combustion Engine (ICE ) hydrogen powered cars.  The problem is it is tanked hydrogen.  See  and the link at the paragraph end  is to Mike Copeland's hydrogen powered hot rod   1948 pick up truck proves the concept of "conversion", but again there is a another problem illustrated - tank holds 3 kg of hydrogen at 5,000 psi which is 3 gallons gasoline equivalent, (gge) using a Cadillac CTS Supercharged engine - also found in the Camaro and Corvette. is Mike again talking about his 1964 hydrogen Ford Falcon.  Second problem, the 64 Falcon and  48 pick up truck was used because the chassis is old enough to be emissions exempt by title year which is a 1974 cut off, but STILL the engine must be emissions compliant to its engine family year on a conversion waiver, but if dual fueled only needs remain compliant to be street legal.  In other words for of road only, anything goes,  but if you want to register and title it with license plates for street use it will still need to meet the emission level for that engine YEAR family. 

Only an OEM like Toyota or and EPA registered alternative fueling solution supplier like us  can build such a street legal solution.  Finally the video is built to a gear head hot rod audience, and much of  what is done is over kill.  They act like in the video they really did something - they did not as any CNG vehicle is the same design.  Engines have been proven they could run on Hydrogen since 1935 - see new_spin_on_combustion and on the fly as we do it - at that!!!

About two years ago we wrote to the new President of Toyota USA and told them that about their Hydrogen engine, they need to put an on board hydrogen generator for on the fly generated low pressure pure hydrogen generator for fueling.  They did it.  Here is a really bad YouTube video that calls it a water powered car and frankly does not know what it is talking about and is just plain WRONG about alot of what is said.  Here is the simple truth that an alternator or multiple one's of a high amp design are used enough amperage can be produced to generate hydrogen slightly faster than the engine consumes it.  Plain and simple.  See

Here is another long winded hyped up video about the same - it is a hydrogen fueled gaseous gas CNG type engine with an on board hydrogen generator really no big deal.  People that want to sensationalize a very simple thing are real idiots.

What we do is make low pressure pure hydrogen system that fuels on the fly at a feasible cost that does need all the high priced pieces the truck has. Using Hydrogen on the fly at low pressure avoids the embrittlement and seep through issues and dangers.  But a tank with 3 gallons gasoline gallon equivalent in that size engine  might get one about 50 miles of easy driving.  The cost of that little 3 gallon 5,000 psi hydrogen tank and the plumbing is MORE than our on the fly system which is safer. Our system using a 30  gallon liquid tank covers the same distance as fifteen gallons of actual gasoline, and more with exhaust recapture.  We are not Hot Rodders - we are realists. See for the 48 truck video. 

There is an energy transformation delusion.  Here is why electric cars are stupid.  See about 40 minutes in of and the truth is oil is get very expensive and dangerous to access, and the truth is the war in Ukraine is actually about oil and gas.  See and if nuclear energy had began with LFTR technology in the 1950's those reactors would have so thoroughly burned nuclear fuel there would be no nuclear waste problem nor any nuclear power accident likely ever. See so here is quick cut patch video that shows just how functionally stupid mankind has been in nuclear energy because people want make bombs instead.  See

In short if you don't start making your own energy you will continue to sink financially .  See which is world money analysis from early 2023.  What going on today is Ukraine has lots of money in the ground we call oil and gas,  and thus good credit to pay that lend Lease bill it is running up, but we must keep that oil and gas out of Russian hands, which the Ukraine war is spurring world economies by re-lighting the military industrial complex.  The US  and others are selling weapons on credit to Ukraine, getting rid of the weapons they need to retire and are thus getting some bucks out of stuff basically needing replacement anyway.  The military industrial is alive again making the replacement weapons.  In the process we kept down energy prices for a while until Russia bought its own junk oil tankers and figured other ways to get around the energy sanctions.  Now the energy market is loose again and inflation is back on too.  See the video and what we said about making your own energy. 

Here is the latest scientific data as of July 2023 showing we are out of time for climate change due to global warming.  The guy of course "have a think" does not even ponder a solution but to like and subscribe or join his Patreon channel for a fee.  Yeah right.  See  The reality is if AI  (artificial intelligence) made decisions for mankind or itself the first would be end fossil fuel burning.  See for example

Russia and China are imploding before our eyes at the hand of of two foolish 70 year old geriatric tyrannical dictators who are dinosaurs in world terms.  See and and and and in case you are confused about the Ukraine war, Putin is after the oil and gas fields under the very area Putin rushed to annex because let's face it everyone is ignoring the global warming and climate change facts.  As of July 2023 we are seeing the heat WILL kill you first for the world ignoring it and in fact doubling down it seems.  See as almost EVERYTHING man does increases CO2 in the air, planes, trains, jets, tanks, weapons fire, rocket launches and even making Cement for concrete.  The solution is simple there, but large amounts of methane are being released from Artic Sink and Blow holes and SpaceX "Starship" explosion (1000 tones right there) which is 25 times more potent than CO2 at trapping heat.  The heat increase is already affecting chocolate production because cocoa plants cannot tolerate it. 

There are plenty of Math idiots trying show how tanked stored hydrogen will not work.  OF COURSE NOT - only an on the fly generated low pressure pure hydrogen system will work, and range is extended to near unlimited if not in a sub freezing climate.  It takes 2.3 gallons of water to make 1 kg of hydrogen..  That is a gasoline gallon equivalent..  Thus it takes about 23 gallon of water to make 10 kg of hydrogen but if made on the fly the issue is how many  liters per minute the engine consumed at cruise.  It is not about how much can be carried.  If the exhaust is captured and recondensed it is made into fuel and used again, while the air only is exhausted.  Here's one of these Math nuts that cannot solve the problem but only show it from how their myopic view does not see a solution.  Math is only as good as where the equation or proof begins. Then it is echoed over and over again as no one it seems has a brain to solve the issue when the answer is right in the issue in front of them.   See   Here is a YouTube video that tries to understand the coming Cummins hydrogen heavy engines.  You can tell the video is going to meander with ridiculousness when he starts asking the question "why on Earth would Cummins develop a hydrogen engine"?  Well we guess he is one of those who is confused about believing global warming is real and causing climate change.  See it at  and by the way most all his speculation and conclusion is wrong. 

This video is on the late show, and has mostly everything WRONG.  Cummins bought Hydrogenics back in 2019. That company was doing on the fly hydrogen fueling.  Liquid hydrogen has no place in this scenario.

A hydrogen generator, a true and efficient one would NOT  be "massive" to power a 15 Liter engine e, the alternator system for the electrolyzer would be.  That is why the ideal setup is an electric hybrid like a locomotive is.

An excavator is a diesel that drives hydraulics so that is an apples to oranges mention

It appears he misunderstands what Cummins and bifueling is.  The hydrogen technology works right now today, but the problem has and always will be obtaining hydrogen, but if he now has  a clue  Cummins solved that with their 2019 purchase of Hydrogenics

No data or calculations are presented, but they are simple math one should learn before trying to teach a math class

CUMMINS is the largest manufacturer of heavy gaseous gas engines and it developed them  in association with Westport

All Cummins need do is put one of their hydrogen on the fly generator systems with an engine. 

As an EPA Registered alternative fueling systems supplier, and it be said with certainty this video is wrong in most all it's speculations and conclusions.  One really should learn math and science before trying to teach the subject in a video

Heck there is even an online calculator that will give air consumption at a given rpm.  Then just divide by the air fuel ratio to get fuel required at (It is 32 to 1 for hydrogen) 

There are three problems with this, first, the water shortage is why our product can use urine, alcohol in cold climates too, and waste or polluted and Grey water, second in transition climates we can recapture exhaust to recondense out the water for reuse,  and three law regulates how this is lawfully done under the Clean Air Act.  The concept has been around since 1835 proven then to work.  It was just gasoline was cheaper - almost free then - and easier.  See and

Are Electric Vehicles the answer - no according to Toyota.  See. and and don't forget about heavy equipment.  See because the Chinese control the EV supply chain anyway.  See But you really must see these two videos about a guy who bought a Ford Lightening and described his nightmares and with charging, and then six months later had enough and sold it.  Now let's also remember any electric vehicle, you can't work on it, there are no trips to an auto parts store to do a repair but more importantly if you think about it - electric vehicles are like going back to  to a horse and buggy.  You have wait  for it to slowly eat, and if there no room at the watering trough of chargers you just screwed.  Only the Prius just now has companies making aftermarket batteries and they are not cheap.  Insurance companies do not tell you that the premium is high because electrics are almost always a total loss because fixing anything is so expensive.  So see and and it is so bad in in the automotive industry that Elon Musk may have actually just bought Ford.  See and while electrics are feature packed what happens when it stops working or worse is hit by a strong penetrating  Coronal Mass Ejection that hits earth square in.???   See also

Here is a history lesson on the internal combustion engine love affair with polluting by tuning for performance in several videos. and and and  and why you will cry when that electric needs repairs at

This video illustrates the energy truth.  See but this is what it turns into in places like Venezuela and Ghana. See and guess what - my, my, my, the REAL reason for the war in Ukraine is oil and gas AGAIN.  See 20 minutes into for the real truth why Ukraine was invaded that Ukraine was about to put Russia out of the European oil and gas business as a never OPEC player.  Then watch the real reason of inflation today - costs of shipping - fuel - at


These areas above were the contracts let in 2013 which caused the first invasion in 2014 to stop the development from going forward. If you don't believe Russia has an oil problem justifying an invasion to steal other oil fields see and  Ukraine has tremendous natural resources for meeting domestic oil and gas production needs, with estimates of approximately 900 billion cubic meters of proven reserves of natural gas. In Europe, Ukraine ranks second for gas reserves.  Of course Putin would want to steal it.  See also and… so no, those weapons are NOT  free to Ukraine and see this article from April 2022 at…  It is worth at least 10 times what the US has spent on weapons provided to Ukraine along with other resources. So we the United States, are selling weapons to Ukraine on credit that we were going to have to decommission and dispose of at a cost to us anyway.  See  and here finally the "info graphics" channel a narrative reporting channel on the Ukraine war by animation to avoid the YouTube censorship and age restriction for the subject, accurately sets out the oil and gas issue of Ukraine, but does not understand that Russia actually DOES NOT have much marketable oil left that isn't highly sour in sulfur, heavy, waxy, water and hard to refine left, so Russia NEEDS Ukraine's oil and gas.  Without western expertise Russian people lack the intelligence and savvy to  get the oil out of the ground, and without light sweet crude to blend with the sour tar, they cannot sell it and can barely refine it beyond low grade diesel as it comes straight from the ground in Eastern Siberia.  See

Given all of that,  here is how  technologicallly challenging and expensive  ocean oil and gas exploration has become at and when the ocean itself is the biggest source of truly clean renewable fuel.

Peter Zeihan gives a mini series on the oil industry at  and    and and  it must be noted that Russia has run out of the light sweet crude from Western Siberia that it mixes with the heavy, waxy, watery, sour Eastern Siberia crude to make its Urals oil blend for export which is why Putin invaded Ukraine to steal theirs and it must be noted Russia does not have the smarts to use shale fracking technologies.  Zeihan did a video in September 2023 where he briefly talks about Small Modular Reactors (SMR)  which he says the technology does not exist yet for.  Well only since 1950 it has!!!   The SMR is a Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) - also called a LFTR.  It was recently licensed and a Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC)  was held at Newport Shipyard.  See… and… and… so Zeihan gets things wrong more often than one thinks.  Here is Zeihan in his video. and the truth is in 1950 the originators of nuclear power tried to tell people the MSR design was safer and the way to go, but everyone scoofed and wanted to make bombs and the NRC briefing even refers to "Oak Ridge" as they sheepishly have to do an about face.  The real reason now the United States is doing it is because the Chinese tokk the Oak Ridge plans and built a commercial reactor they say they will manufacture and se world wide as a modular system.  The trouble with being a know it all YouTube personality is when you are wrong it is usually spactacurly so. 

Grandpa Putin has forever lied to and propogandized the world and his citizens. The war in Ukraine is a continuation of Russia invasion history to steal and gas.  See and and then bureaucratic blunders worldwide chose light water nuclear technology over molten salt thorium fueled designs because Britain everyone else wanted to make weapons grade fuel over the walk away safe molten salt - aka LFTR design which in the end  would also burn fuel so completely it would be dangerous only 300 years not 300,000 years.  Thus one reason Zaporechecia is so central and dangerous to the Ukraine war.  See and in the meantime China has built and is set to begin operating the world's first LFTR nuclear power plant which someday can take nuclear waste to use as fueling in part with the Thorium.  See…

It is not just Putin who lies, IKEA is supporting destruction of forests and lying about it and hiding it - which are what regulates and removes the most Carbon from the atmosphere on planet Earth.  So fossil fuels put Carbon - in the from CO2 in the air, and industry cust down trees that would have removed some of it.  See  In 1950 the world population was 2.5 billion today in 2023 it is over 8 billion.  Honestly 5 billion was the population limit the way humans run  the industrial complex per person and remember each person has a individual consumption complex that needs to be allowed to recover to be sustainable for the Earth to support human civilisation.  See for example and this video illustrates through pig farming how the Earth's over population is real an appears to be insurmountable.  See If you don't want to believe that over population is the root, take a look at two videos illustrating lawlessness on the seas for demand for food where again China with the largest population on Earth is the main violator.  See  and.

Here Peter Zeihan explains in crisp documented detail how and why Russia has an oil problem which explains why Putin invaded Ukraine to try to quickly steal the undeveloped oil of its sweet crude in easy to drill for oil and gas fields which also explains why Russia will never stop and / or at the very least stop Ukraine from being able to get at their own fields See  and here  Peter Zeihan explains how reliance on oil will cause famine. and here he describes the geologically challenges of the Eastern Siberia region where Russia has its remaining but sour nasty crude oil and gas fields that Russia only was able to develop with Western expertise that they no longer have access to which is one reason why there are industrial catastrophes all over Russia now at  Amid oil tanker piracy on the rise by nations soon a true war about oil will break out likely.  See… and this video details  what is going on with this nation's piracy with oil and somewhat why, and he ends by beginning to point out refinery issues, and so see the article behind the video link that coincidentally explains the Ukraine war because Russia is running out of sweet crude producing fields to mix with their very heavy sour Eastern Siberia crude and so the invasion which was supposed to be quick to steal Ukraine undeveloped sweet crude fields and gas.  See and The way out of this oil mess is to turn away and build a hydrogen on the fly infrastructure. Lastly allegedly "global dimming" efforts are afoot quietly.  See.  Are humans killing themselves trying to chemically cool the planet???   And here is the truth on how deep humans are in.  See  It only takes a look back  at the struggles in Law of the American food industry that idiots have always been in charge and ignoring science and reality - that's a politician - usually the kid who was spit balls and paper airplanes from the back of the class. A PBS documentary.  See Science has known for quite some time that deforestation for agricultural use creates deserts and affects rainfall, yet most places on earth trudge right ahead anyway.  See

There are some real issues with going to electric vehicles for transportation surrounding water use and pollution of it, and excessive use of it for mining and crop production of ground water.  See and, but with hydrogen production and use from water - clean water comes back, never leaves the earth, and even can be used to clean polluted water by making hydrogen, then burning it and what comes back is clean water.  The word renewable energy is an oxymoron - it is non-defined and needs to be instead of just saying it without defining what one is talking about.  For instance a LFTR power plant making cheap safe nuclear powered electricity could desalinate water, pipe it inland and down into aquifers that are dry, instead of pumping it down into oil wells to pollute it and push more oil out.  We as creatures manufacture and pollute instead of recycling.  But see

Here is a low power way to actually capture already desalinated water vapor just above the ocean and pipe it ashore underwater condensing it along the way and it arrives as fresh water.  See and here are the issues humans are not moving on fast enough to get to net zero carbon emissions.  See and here is a money versus climate change documentary of 2023 proving your best escape to the coming calamity of life on earth is to escape the purchase of fossil fuel energy and make your own using Hydrogen.  See

While everyone is talking about the joke of electric cars, there are much larger problems mostly in Russia that they are doing nothing about.  See and and if that is not bad enough humans are creating deserts by stupidity.  See

Here is a video that focused on Hydrogen fuel cells - the reverse of an electrolyzer - actually the same just run in reverse.

An electrolyzer true pure gas hydrogen generator is usually a membrane type of AEM or PEM. A true Hoffman design has no sealed membrane to develop pressure or assure purity of the gas by separation. Neither can be allowed to freeze, but an AEM type can tolerate about 20 F because a 3 Mol  alkaline solution  they use won't freeze solid until about that temperature. A PEM electrolyzer uses distilled water and freezes at 32 F ( 0 C). Both conventional designs are susceptible to clogging if distilled is not used, but are the best design to power an engine because most fuel injection systems need 45 to 60 psi regulated.

Another issue that affects life is heat due to high amps.  High amps increases hydrogen production but on PEM electrolyzers especially wear off the coating which makes it work 

We have addressed this by designing a modified Hoffman design with an open draining anode side.  It is a wet immersion version that does particulate draining and ejection on the anode side.  Of course the cathode side is gas dry.

This design can use seawater or filtered urine directly and produce 99.9 pure hydrogen.  This is NOT "HHO" mixed dangerous hydrogen and oxygen gas.

Wilburunion is a commercial entity that is a EPA registered alternative fueling solution supplier and provider with a focus on - on the fly generated low pressure pure hydrogen.

The auto and transportation industry is in disarray discovering that the switch to electric vehicles  is not profitable and supply chain shortages of manufacturing materials has driven the cost of new vehicles out of the reach of many if not most of the mass market of people.  It thus makes more sense to repower an existing engine lawfully to on the fly generated low pressure pure hydrogen.  See a few YouTube videos on the auto industry issues of 9xSQz89H95E, jku9hPjmG4Y and w-LV6B4g34A by replacing after the "=" sign.

Again we do not do or confuse you with dangerous "HHO" but this product is intended to be the beginning of a customer experience that is lawful and fruitful to you our customer. 

Most of the world's engines that do work run on diesel. The Ukraine war is Putin's effort to steal the oil and gas riches of Ukraine.  This is the realization of the fossil fuel economy trap and why Putin will and can  never stop until forced to by removal from office or death - that and a good probability he may suffer from nonsyndromic-holoprosencephaly 

Today's inflation is not caused by consumption which is addressed by raising interest rates it is caused by supply side issues of costs of energy for manufacturing or production as in agricultural costs to grow and then increased costs of delivery from fuels for transportation and pressures on shipping to use cleaner engines and more costly low sulfur diesel fuels.  Interest rates can not affect that.  See 17 minutes into and Why Diesel Is Driving Up The Cost Of Everything at because the truth is the world does not want to stop using fossil fuels and replace with on the fly generated low pressure pure hydrogen.  After all no one can sell what you can make yourself once you have the technology and equipment. .  Further SpaceX uses Kerosene and in their Starship Methane driving up free market costs.  Because hydrogen has a high autoignition temperature it works well bi fueling even high compression engines but gives a more powerful power stroke resulting in higher efficiency and more horsepower at lower fossil fuel use.  Even better when turbo or super charged.  After all submarines use seawater to make hydrogen for fuel cells and oxygen and drinking water. See and aircraft can use hydrogen even better if made on the fly as they fly keeping the water feedstock warm.  See  which would solve the tank and compression issues to use it.  After all even Cruise ships use huge desalination systems for fresh water, and it is a simple jump to make hydrogen for fuel consumption from that.  Since commercial companies are not allowed in the United States to have nuclear power for ships hydrogen use for bi fueling even diesels can run cleaner and reduce the cost of the operating costs.  The general belief that it takes more energy to make hydrogen than it is worth scales up as generally wrong.  A 1 Liter per minute a PEM generator consumes 12 volts at 20 amps, but an Internal combustion engine to turn an alternator does not consume anywhere near that much fuel to turn that alternator.  Where this misnomer comes from is from the energy required to bottle it by compression and transportation. Make hydrogen and use it on the fly is the key.  But of course no one can sell you fuel that way you can make from urine, seawater or waste water!!!   Peter Zeihan in pre midterm 2022 set forth the condition of the planet at

At the height of inflation fuel prices were upside-down with diesel on average $1.50 per gallon over gasoline prices which mean that delivery, distribution and manufacturing and agricultural costs being higher and passed on as rising prices we call inflation.  Now they are flipping back in some places already $1.00 per gallon lower for diesel flattening rising prices as of Easter 2023.  What people don't realize is that the fiat money model has converted the world to an "oil standard", and the first group of people off of fossil fuel energy is going to be the new strong economy.  See because those who no longer have to spend on energy just greatly increased the value of their money. Next see what retirement is in the face of this fiat money issue at

Toyota has invested in re-fueling the internal combustion engine with gaseous hydrogen, but of course the real problem is where to get the Hydrogen.  We solve the problem.  See

If the Earth is not cooled so winds calm down in 10 or 20 years tops, the Earth will be a calamity to live on.  It starts with halting the use of fossil fuel energy.  See and and we must stop cutting down trees.  Here is a sobering 3 hour documentary about planet earth and global warming. and of historical mysteries of the planet. and while some are worried the Ukraine Russia War may spark nuclear Armageddon, we do not believe anyone will get nuclear missiles to fly.  See 40 minutes into

Humans are not as smart as a FEW of us are clever.  Humans have done just enough to manipulate others into being dependant on them to basically kill themselves and the place we all live.   The ONLY place we have to live.  It has long been time to abandon fossil fuel use as soon as it was discovered the effects it was having, but humans did not - they doubled down to enjoy its use even more.  See also How Climate Made History, Pt. 1 - From the Ice Age to the Dawn of Humanity - and part 2 at but for a story to reconcile a further time line see and it's part 2 at  So if you watched these - you would take away the Neanderthals were "largely" made extinct by a volcanic eruption; however that does not explain what is the difference between Neanderthals the smart apes and modern anatomical man in how they think and behave.  See Primatologist Explains the 1% Difference Between Humans & Apes | Richard Wrangham | EP 249 - YouTube at and where the surviving Neanderthal tribes ended up is in the area we now know of as the Moscow area of Russia.  Why does this matter ??  Because Mr. Putin invaded Ukraine for its oil and gas riches in the very area he rushed to annex, and all his other reasons are a smokescreen of lies.  See 20 minutes into this video of how and why.  The media has missed this because no one thinks of what they cannot see.  So . . .  oil has gotten the world into war because a minimal though world leader has invaded to try to steal the oil and gas fields as in sellers remorse discovering that the land Russia let go actually has riches about and in it.  The world economic scenario is affected because people depend on others for energy - so escape all that and make your own - forever and use on the fly Hydrogen you make.

CNG and Diesel prices have gotten ridiculous.  CNG as low as $1.25 per GGE is now $6 to $9 per GGE.  Diesel is on average $1.00 per gallon more than Gasoline.   This is the root of inflation, and it is not really the War in Ukraine so much as Natural Gas can be liquidised and sold for more in and to Europe.  Diesel .is the root of of all supply chain distribution, but worse it is in greater demand for marine use to replace bunker oil, and Jet fuels as well as Rocket launches.  If you currently drive a CNG powered vehicle you can lawfully convert to Hydrogen made on the fly or if a diesel bi-fuel with high amounts of Hydrogen.  For you all that is needed are dual alternators because the system consumes 20 amps, and one of our FreeFuelSystem generator systems. See e.g. or search FreeFuelSystem on this website in the Product Search.  There are Fleet and Group buy pricing available and as an EPA registered company, were make your system to be completely lawful.  It would require about four cubic feet of space and usually can be made to fit pick up trucks and vans, but usually not automobiles without loosing the entire trunk, and only valid in warm weather climates.  For our cold weather versions contact us by ordering something like ur gashole plugged video to create an account and use the notes section to make a request.

It is not one size fits all and we engineer the fueling system for each application and then under the Clean Air Act registered with the EPA Alternative Fueling Program so as to be lawful. 

We - as humans - our scientists know and have told us exactly how fast we are killing ourselves and the Earth on which we live.  Mainly the blunt truth is overpopulation will kill us.  People cannot keep having large families ad nauseum.  See  Wars and Jet travel with rocket launches also ad nauseum is accelerating our demise.  In 70 years humans have gone from 2 billion to 8 billion on the planet.  It is like an aquarium over crowded with fish - there are going to die off.  Here is a three hour documentary.

You  cannot do some online  research on Hydrogen and think you understand it like a heart surgeon.  The video is wrong and mixed up facts which are not the conclusion. 

The problem is actually that hydrogen cannot be made, compressed, transported nd sold, instead it must be made and used on the fly for most applications. 

A LFTR  can safely power an ocean based large ganglia of non PEM  mechanical Hoffman style or an AEM based electrolysis farm.  It can hook into existing low pressure high volume on demand use.  All Nuclear is not the same or dangerous like water cooled reactors are. In fact a LFTR  reactor could power an anti-gravity  magnetism engine which Elon Musk would do better to develop instead of his easy and  polluting rockets.  See

Hydrogen reforming is plain stupid and if you knew anything the video would have said so

Hydrogen is a direct   fossil fuel replacement fuel and again fuel cells are stupid as expensive complexity to FAIL and that is why Toyota is betting on Hydrogen fuel for Internal Combustion Engines.  See

Hydrogen embrittlement is not a concern at low  on demand pressure   It can be be mixed with Natural Gas and Propane and sold compressed on the fly at CNG fueling stations. 

The only real problem is fuel feed stock below zero fare height, and frankly as a bifueling or dual fuel setup in an internet combustion engine or high altitude aircraft jet engine is where hydrogen may need to be sold compressed or cryogenic. 

That is why videos like this one are confused and wrong in the conclusion - see Hydrogen is EXACTLY what will save existing infrastructure of man

Solved by Charles's H. Garrett in 1935 in  a patent you can find at which is actually a working and running engine yet the world went to oil because a water powered self powering car could make little profit beyond it being sold.  

Charles H. Garrett allegedly demonstrated a water-fuelled car "for several minutes", which was reported on September 8, 1935, in The Dallas Morning News. The car generated hydrogen by electrolysis as can be seen by examining Garrett's patent, issued that same year.  See  Water-fuelled car - Wikipedia

Tired of energy prices and inflation??  There is a LAWFUL way to  get off that merry-go-round and stop buying energy and make your own instead. Get off the energy merry go round and become your own energy creator for your needs using on the fly real and pure Hydrogen !!  Saving the planet and humanity is not hard - stop using fossil fuels and replace with on the fly generated low pressure pure  hydrogen, and build rebuild or convert power plants to "walk away safe" molten salt reactor designs ( also often called LFTR technology - see e. g . ) or use geothermal or hydrogen powered jet turbines or internal combustion engines to spin generators like we design and vend. The problem with hydrogen is that everyone can make their own energy. Think about it - the world would rather sell you an electric vehicle you cannot work on afford or make fuel for yourself.  Our system also includes a water purification system because water may not be as clean and safe as you take for granted.  See PBS Frontline "Poisoned Waters". at  PBS. org or

The sad reality  is the world is really trying to hang on to fossil fuels when leaving them is really quite easy for a completely clean replacement fuel - pure hydrogen. The sad reality is also is that nflation this time is due to energy costs - when diesel goes up, all delivery costs go up and the increase is passed on as inflation while some mainly in the real estate raise prices because everyone else is.  See

How did the world get here - two untrustworthy crotchety 70 year old men - Putin and Xi Jinping and manipulation.  See and

China is reselling Russian oil and LNG  see and Russia seems to have no honorable care in the world see and Russia is heading to economic collapse despite Putin saying it is not.  See and China is not far behind.  See

Europe has a way out and it is quick and fast.  They will need to "borrow" someone's Nuclear Aircraft carrier for a while - until they get their own LFTR based power plant - like from - and simply set up a GANG of high volume Hydrogen generators - like from - ( - and yes those are huge PEM stacks laying on their side in the video at  about 1:00 into the video - we no not need windmills - just any source of power can be adapted ) on a barge at the foot of the Nordstream pipeline - cut it - and place a "T" fitting in with a shut-off valve from Russia  and begin pushing Hydrogen made from the seawater into the existing Natural Gas system.  A Nuclear Aircraft carrier can push 400 MW of power to run the electrolysis  equipment.  Officials from Germany and Europe have already visited Hydrogenics in Canada, but perhaps they are not seeing the simplicity of this solution.  Putin then has forever shot himself in the foot and maybe dead.  Europe can bifuel vehicles and convert them 100 percent to Hydrogen and or Hydrogen on the fly -, and thus take a huge step forward on the greenhouse gas elimination problem.  Get over it - LFTR Nuclear Power cannot be any safer.  It is not your grandfathers nuclear power. No, we do not make PEM units that large.

Around September 1, 2022 Tucker Carlson (or someone) posted this below as one of his characteristic tongue-in-cheek backwards non conclusory set of actual true  factoids about energy and the relationship to the Ukraine war here at but the reality is reported here by WION Gravitas at where 35 minutes into the report is the scientific evidence that the Greenland ice pack glacial sheet is melting fast enough that the ocean will rise 10 inches minimum and possibly up to 30 inches very soon.  Our solution would coincidentally literally move billions of gallons of seawater into pipelines and tanks (land based and of vehicles) for making hydrogen directly and on the fly which when burned will simply return water to the air as vapor in many cases if not re-condensed out in cold climates to prevent road ice, to repeat the rain cycle.  Mr Carlson does not believe in global warming but does not explain the clear climate change going on right now..  Here is the simple fact that for every 1 degree Fahrenheit the air can hold 4% more moisture and for 1 degree Celsius it holds 7% more.  When that moisture laden air hits cooler land masses rain forms and can dump huge amounts of water.  So the planet must be cooled to subside the current wild weather.  Mr Carlson it appears lacks the capacity to understand this as scientific fact. 

There are a handful of scientists that understand global climate and conservatively estimated the UK would reach 104 degrees by 2040 except it actually happened in July 2022. All bets are off on forecasts because in 2021 the Artic is now found to be belching huge amounts of Methane creating sinkholes.  See… and and mankind will need to engineer a way to remove atmospheric Methane.  Basically all bets are off on any CO2 based global warming projection models because Methane traps heat at a rate 80 times that of CO2.  In Siberia (aka Russia) or in the Artic under the sea on the ocean floor (See ) currently immeasurable amounts of Methane are belching loose. 

President Biden also on September 1, 2022  addressed the Nation in a hopeful posture about the climate change bill, and perhaps it is his age but he does not realize it is too little too late currently as enacted into law and is in effect due the industrial complex is a net gain of emissions not a loss. See for Biden's speech. 

The atmospheric residence time of methane is approximately 9 years. Residence time is the average time it takes for a molecule to be removed from the atmosphere.  A lot of heat will be captured and irreversible climate change will happen ongoing. See  ( read… ) and see eg…;  

Because of the global drought some places are using industrial dehumidifiers to make drinking water.  See and in the same report August 19, 2022 global madmen Xi Jenping and Vladimir Putin continue to toss molitof cocktails into the burning house of the world while drought is shutting down China's economy., and Mr Putin has such a mass exodus of people leaving Russia mostly those with enough intelligence to leave it has little choice but to try to steal Ukraine and its  more intelligent people and accomplishments base than Russia.  The Population density (people per sq. km of land area) - Russian Federation | Data at shows that the 144 million people estimate is only 9, which is quite low compared to the US at 36 and at a US population of 330  million and growing everyday whereas Russia is shrinking everyday. and China with its 1.4 billion people stands on a precipice of collapse if it sours the world to it.  Right now basics like food, water and electricity are a serious threat to China.  Xi Jenping  thinks by invading Taiwan he will get his hands on the ASML equipment TSMC has that ASML will not provide to China or Russia.  Mr. Putin realizes all the inteligent people went to Ukraine when the Soviet Union collapsed and the brain power left in Russia is largely dim-wits, and the discovery of large gas fields in Ukraine  found Western Investment coming in and with the rich farmlandds Ukraine would surpass them as people continued to bleed off nto Ukraine. 


Xi Jenping has made himself a snake on the world stage after taking all the time to make it looks like China wanted to play fair on the world stage, and Putin in his stubbornness has killed Russia this time for good. Both countries China and Russia are frozen out of the world future for various reasons of huge mistakes of both the leaders, so they tried to form and alliance.  Currently neither can get advanced semiconductor chips and neither can build their weapons or manufacturing sectors without them.  That made it WORSE.  These are two 70 year old mean whose hey day is gone and their thought processes are now waning.  Both countries need to cut their war ambitions off and stop. TSMC is moving to the US in Arizona and will take the equipment with them.  Xi Jinping blew his lid, and it is likely TSMC will have the US Military bomb its own facility if China invades before they can get out of Taiwan and move that equipment.  .It is licensed and provided by ASML to ONLY a few companies  and will be replaced if China tries to steal it by invading the country.  The strife in the world is over semiconductors that Russia and China cannot get that they want to use to wage war building high tech weapons they copy.

If you do not understand what is being referred to with ASML and TSMC watch these videos.  "Why The World Relies On ASML For Machines That Print Chips" and "Inside Intel’s Bold $26 Billion U.S. Plan To Regain Chip Dominance" and "Secretive Giant TSMC’s $100 Billion Plan To Fix The Chip Shortage - YouTube" at and this "Wild Man" who tells the Ukraine story accurately "You’ve Been LIED To About Why Ukraine War Began"  at and Full Episode: in late August 2022, "The Fed Can't Deliver On Its Promises" at  and "What Will The World Look Like in Five Years?" at and "The Crash of a Lifetime - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, @Harry S. Dent Jr." at  Seriously watch them ALL and even some of the videos that follow as presented by Youtube's algorithm.  Notice what Harry Dent say about having children at 29 minutes into the video above.

You have got to love YouTube,  but it has no index - aka "Card Catalog"

Humans have a huge industrial weapons complex while the truth is Earth may soon be uninhabitable or barely so.  Certainly if mankind does not focus on the atmosphere issues at hand like it is a war on mankind, the heat and collapse of food stocks and agriculture will terminate mankind in a generation. 

Why people just keep talking ad nauseam about the problem and don't seem to know the difference between global warming and climate change should be embarrassing to any who open their mouths like they command the issue. However the average person has no way to help combat "Global Change" because they are forced into continued use of fossil fuel energy poison by the products of society.  Most smart people do not want an electric vehicle ever as something they will never be able to service themselves. Hydrogen however is a near drop in replacement solution.  But at least California has banned the sale of new  gasoline powered "cars" by 2035.  See… and opens the door to make it easier to repower your vehicle on a parallel hydrogen fueling system right away. In many places you could pull water from the air as you drive and make hydrogen fuel. 

Cool the Planet and stop cutting down trees the rest begins to heal

The real problem is there are too many people on the planet, ( see Planet of the Humans by Micheal Moore at )  and the industrial complex needed to support each one and that they partake in - such as transportation and  air flight - is the root problem, but one has to put that aside - because everyone refuses to stop growing the population with more than two children as offspring..  Anyone who has had a terrarium working properly has seen the rain cycle and if they have had an Aquarium what happens if too many fish are put in.   They also know it fails completely above a certain temperature.  It is Global Warming the cause and Climate Change is the result.  So until the heat lamp is turned off - aka cloud cover is achieved such that  the rain cycle is restored and enhanced WHERE it is needed there will be little hope because there are not enough trees and vegetation to reduce the CO2.  There are some technologies but someone has to build them.  Now also the Earth itself is beginning to belch huge amounts of ancient methane.  Mankind it seems wants to have the cake and eat it too, and refuses to reduce emissions.  In the end because fresh water is disappearing everywhere the sea must be looked to for seawater to make Hydrogen or polluted water.  If used in an internal combustion engine the exhaust can be condensed for clean treatable potable water or reuse for hydrogen fuel stock.  It is already critical and is fueling war.  See and

Hydrogen directly replaces all fossil fuels and can bifuel a diesel engine to clean emissions.  Simple, more trees and stop cutting them down will remove the CO2 over time.  More industrialization that is not CO2 neutral or zero is like a dog chasing its tail.  It really is not hard to fix this.  Getting people to be intelligent enough to realize the truth is the real problem. If they save or make money - anywhere in the world - they will do it, if not they won't.  That is the reality, and scientific research means nothing. If that is overcome then for electrolysis ideally seawater should be used and to that end piping seawater inland for distribution is good or direct use of otherwise polluted or non potable waters.  For pure hydrogen engine recapture and condense the exhaust to recover and reuse the water. The petroleum industry would not be happy relegating their business to lubrication and petrochemical uses. 

Meanwhile things are so bad major navigable rivers in Europe and worldwide like the Rhine, Po and Danube are days away from becoming not navigable anddrying up.  See 38 minutes into this report that aired August 11, 2022 at and frankly the world is over populated to a fragile limit yet people think they should having babies to keep up the strain.  See and lastly China continues to go off the rails now leaving US stock markets and doing protected lawful business in America.  See 29 minutes into this report at

At this point only a unified worldwide Hydrogen conversion plan will make a difference. 

So many politicians worldwide flap their mouths about "climate change" with no plan like global warming stops at borders. The only plan that might create cloud cover is to build floating LFTR power plants to make hydrogen and fresh water from seawater and convert all the Natural Gas and Oil and Coal fired electrical power plants to Internal Combustion four stroke  or Jet engines to burn instead the piped in hydrogen.  This will ONLY work with huge hydrogen generators in seawater because rivers and fresh water is drying up due to drought. This will collectively replace CO2 with pure water vapor in the atmosphere and if enough can be persistently be put into  the atmosphere clouds will form, and while they will be on the move the cloud cover will eventually produce rain and while aloft the clouds will reflect the sunlight to help cool the planet.  Enough hydrogen plants in ocean or tidal waters at coast lines ( will allow hydrogen lines to be hooked to Natural Gas lines to serve even consumers.  The issue is that everyone will want to fight and cry about what they think is the danger of nuclear power or the cost when the truth is a LFTR power plant is "walk away safe" and can even burn nuclear waste from heavy water reactors solving also that problem..

The US Congress passed legislation in 2022 that is the first climate change bill ever they are very proud of but the truth is it is a drop in the ocean.  Also what it does is create an industrial complex which is a net loss. Cooler air cannot hold moisture for long and soon the planet weather patterns would be returned likely to more normal.  The problem is hot air does not show moisture in it as "clouds";but cooler air usually in northern climates does, and will drop that moisture as precipitation - we call "rain".   Earth needs more cloud cover to begin to cool.  Due to the tilt of the Earth seldom are rain clouds seen over hot regions we call "Deserts".  Most deserts are distributed around the globe based on the global circulation patterns and are located along a belt centered on the 30° North and 30° South latitude lines. Other geological settings that can cause desert formation are extreme distance from oceans and cold ocean currents. This is why historically the United Kingdom - Britain - was always cloudy, rainy and cold. Now its weather has changed more to the spectrum of hot.  

 Next move Aircraft to Hydrogen off fossil fuels.  There are already hydrogen powered jets in existence. The issue is airport  infrastructure conversion there. The problem will be getting people agree on a worldwide plan. The alternative is more heat, melting ice packs and rising sea levels not to mention food stock deaths of crops and livestock and ecosystem collapses and even an uninhabitable Earth. See also PBS documentary "Can We Cool the Planet" at or YouTube at  None of the technologies mentioned will work like cloud cover and natural CO2 sequestration like photosynthesis of plants life - trees -  will.

Frontline PBS  did a three part documentary about Exxon Mobil denying what they long knew about the fossil fuel economy. and and

Most around the world have something they control - anything that requires fuel - but here's the thing - it doesn't have to be fossil fuel that powers it - it can be hydrogen you can make for essentially free. 

The US Congress August 9, 2022 passed the "Inflation Reduction Act" which claims to help climate change - well not really enough as Bernie Sanders says.  He's right it does really nothing concrete.  See… and…

Easy way for Biden to REALLY get this moving - requiring no help from Congress

An Executive Order promoting a change to lawful use of  Hydrogen fueling  as the preferred National Fuel and encouraging conversion of existing and any new nuclear power plants to be "fast tracked" of a "walk away safe" molten salt design - also sometimes called "LFTR" technology would have done more and would not need the Congress at all. The market and entrepreneurs would have done the rest. 

Here's a secret about Hydrogen - make it use it immediately and that is the best and cheapest way to do it.  Hydrogen can even be made from plastic trash.  See…;  So... make your own CLEAN gas energy needs at home, on a off grid  homestead or on the go.  READ ON and this page will help you find the best fit. 

Mr Putin has shown the world it is time to stop using fossil fuels - PERIOD.  It is either that or go broke as costs rise  - and kill the planet and the place we live.  This is a solution that many vehicle and engine manufacturers are ready to go with for want of a fuel source to switch to Hydrogen. Some minor changes in US  Laws are needed to make this safe and viable on a large scale.  Seawater should and can be easiest to use and wastewater is second, with polluted water behind that. In the meantime Western Countries are trying to form a buyer's cartel for Russian oil. See The path to the US Presidency has always been a bit of a bamboozled affair.  See America has risen to the challenge against tyrannical rulers before so this time let us see if leaders are smart enough to change the world's energy model like a war effort was done.  See Russia absolutely will not likely be able to do this.  But America and the "West" is sleep at the wheel while the Chinese are not.  See…; As long as the world runs on fossil fuel petroleum Russia will have a strangle hold on Earth because it is the number two worldwide producer  of fossil fuel oil and gas.  See and the only solution is to switch the  world to Hydrogen.  In the meantime the costs of living continue to rise.  See but at least it looks like Russia is running out of weapons in Ukraine and since most of the world's powers won't sell them parts for pretty much anything anymore it could get really costly for Russia to try to buy them elsewhere.  See here 30 minutes in, this PBS Newhour of July 25, 2022 shows how  dangerously and irrevocably close the world is to have a major Antarctica Glacier break off that could raise sea levels by 10 feet..  See and then here for how mankind is killing the oceans at but for some reason mankind always takes the hardest path where a simple solution exists.  We call it intellectual stupidity because LFTR Nuclear reactor technology is not only proven since 1950 and safe, it is a solution to even burn existing Nuclear waste and here is why fusion efforts are just plain crazy and stupid in the time frame humans have.  See

Frankly only China so far is moving forward with the proper two pronged approach to safe clean energy based on Hydrogen and thorium fueled nuclear liquid salt power plants.  See and…; The Chinese are on the right track with a molten salt thorium fueled nuclear power plant plan and hydrogen as fuel for most everything else.  See this TED talk for why. and see the Chinese story and plans at and the science of such at and a more detailed story at and the Thorconpower solution is a floating towable complete power plant and imagine a large electrolysis hydrogen generator docked nearby.  See for more science and and finally the full skinny on how the  Lithium  Fluoride Thorium Reactor ( LFTR) - aka "molten salt reactor -  can actually solve the current Nuclear waste problem so see and also the video  at and here is a sobering documentary from 2021 on the reality of greater difficulty in  finding and extraction of oil in the increasing quantity needed.  The Ukraine scenario has brought the reality to the surface and here is a documentary on how everyone wants to sell their hydrogen, but keep in mind that you can make what you need on the fly yourself with our system.  See - "Hydrogen Nature's Fuel". What China sees is free energy it can use to be competitive in the manufacturing sector without needing to buy coal, oil or natural gas that is in limited supply in China, while in America the opposite is done in a "War on the EPA" which is the title of a documentary by Frontline that aired October 11, 2017 known as season 35  (S2017) Episode 16 you can find at which as of August 2022 the World is now seeing what climate change is going to do to mankind is real as forecasted.   Also available at so take your pick, a world to hot to live on, extinction and collapse of ecosystems and food stocks to eat or air that will soon be unbreathable of which these people who cannot understand the science kill the planet and the rest of us selling poisonous energy.  But as of August 9, 2022  Xi Jinping of China has lost it apparently a China goes off the rail in catastrophic ways which will take it into weak global territory.  See

No one else has  put forth a plan -anywhere in the world - as far as can be told.

It seems because humans think so much of themselves individually they seem unable to agree on things even scientifically.  Hence humans are paralyzed to collaborate and solve the problem of world economic problems and inflation and climate change.  The truth is a LFTR Reactor can solve the problem of world economic electricity needs AND burn all Nuclear waste mankind has created over time.  Yes it can be pulled from storage and burned in a LFTR.  See and… and  which the last one is ten years old - so the answer has been there  actually since the 1950's but the world leaders have never been progressive enough to plan ahead.  We say most have been too old and dim-witted to science as most political leaders are.  Here's the simple truth - water cooled reactors are dangerous while molten salt reactors like an an LFTR  reactor is not only "walk away safe", but can also be used to burn existing nuclear waste to safe levels.  Instead of coming together worldwide as a species in France the world works on Fusion power (ITR) which by the time there is any usable success the world will not be habitable too hot for humans with most food stock species extinct and support ecosystems destroyed.  To most humans they want to run their mouths not knowing the details.  See where the title should be "Now safe Nuclear power is here". 

Here are three "hard charging" style Gravitas YouTube news reports from the second week of June 2022 that illustrate and underscore how fossil fuels are at the root of the problem of world economic problems and inflation, yet this time raising interest rates will only make it worse because the cost of fossil fuel energy is the root of the problem and climate change. See and and which shows World War III has started but the enemy is fossil fuel energy but world leaders don't understand that.  The US Government is raising interest rates to curb inflation, but that will have the opposite effect because the cost of fossil fuel energy is the root of the problem and the powers that be are not understanding that the rest of the world is buying Russian oil and especially the Chinese government which means everything the US purchases from China supports the Ukraine war.  WION Gravitas understands this and explains in several reports here at and 9 minutes into this report shows how currency is value now for everyone but Russia - meaning the sanctions aren't working and later in the report how Tesla cars are now banned in China in many regions.

June 23, 2022 at  28  minutes in, this report covers long haul Covid-19 and warns that it is a pandemic in itself. and the United States and the world are facing major problems no one wants to address global warming urgently.  One is over population and a belief humans can just keep populating the planet and building without understanding the industrial complex which rides along with every person.  See and and

Gas Prices and Inflation

Gas Prices are are actually based on a future.  That is to say the price you pay at the pump is based on what the station has been advised the NEXT delivery load is going to cost.  That is subsequently based on the price of crude oil which is also subsequently based on pumping capacity of the oil supply fields of the price they set based on what they can charge based on supply and demand.  However refining the crude and transportation of the product further affects the cost.  Many US refineries have gone offline or been shuttered due COVID.  See… and and and at this edit July 10, 2022, the news shows are talking about falling gas prices, but while maybe they are dropping from the gouging effect and people have just slowed their driving pace, the reality oil prices are going BACK UP again, and so according to the math they will increase again.  The only way off the merry-go-round is stop using the fuel.  You cannot lawfully tamper with the OEM fueling system but you can disable it or bi-fuel so long as emissions do not increase. In an energy fueled inflation raising interest rates will only make it worse because the cost of fossil fuel energy is the root of the problem and climate change. 

Diesel is heading into  all time highs - and it will NOT likely come back down.  The reason is the world is using more diesel everywhere, ships that once used dirty burning heavy "bunker oil" - both cruise and container transport now use cleaner refined diesel - and jet fuel, well that is a form of more highly refined diesel also - kerosene basically.  Ships will also need to retrofit their engines adding to costs - and hence contribute to inflation also.  See  At this writing the War in Ukraine is worsening things and it will only get worse as long as Mr. Putin is alive and in power as the Russian President.  Take a look at how the world is fueling Mr Putin's war effort through the use of fossil fuel petroleum-based needs. It is time to switch fuels to on the fly generated Hydrogen and devalue petroleum.  President Biden and NO ONE will be able to stop runaway inflation worldwide as long as petroleum is used to transport goods and people.  Mr. Biden wrote an "op-ed" found at… and the comments to it arer NOT KIND, but are reflective of how people feel - they are sick of a lot of talk that does not solve the problem.  Our solution does. What Mr Biden should do is encourage vehicle and engine manufacturers to offer on the fly hydrogen fueling solution systems.  Simple.  Yet still  the UK has doubled down on fossil fuels spending 2.8 billion dollars to build a undersea pipeline - when the UK is literally surrounded by water that can make Hydrogen which is completely compatible with Methane equipment.  CRAZINESS  See and…

Electrification of Transportation is not the answer

With Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) refuelling one can convert existing technology to on the fly hydrogen while with electric, there is an introduction of problems and infrastructure as emissions are introduced in industry to build batteries, and an issue of recycling as  batteries fatigue or overheat and are fire traps requiring a lot of rare minerals hard to find and mine on the earth. 

Lithium may not be considered a rare earth mineral, but geopolitically and geologically it is hard to find to mine.  In the US - the Thacker mine - is the only one and issue not in operation as it is in a legal battle to do so.  See…;

People don't think before they leap into trouble for themselves.  Electric anything is not something most modern mechanics will be able to repair, and then there are the charging rates, software games of quick charge Tesla plays with salvage perfectly fine vehicles depreciating them, and one day soon the "get a horse" slogan will return with "get an on the fly hydrogen ice". when people whizz by people waiting on a charger or slowly charging. You can  already see the fifteen charging slots at Walmart with lines.

There are a lot more engine types of which the automotive and transportation sector are but a drop in the bucket of the climate change issue. All that need be done is switch fuels to on the fly made hydrogen, not a redesign of more engineering nightmares engineers love to call themselves clever with new complicated BS machinery

When Toyota starts selling ICE hydrogen vehicles with on the fly made hydrogen generators on board; people will look really as stupid as they really are with this electric BS NOBODY on Earth has a robust enough interconnected electric grid to support electric vehicles like the US government is pushing without rapidly building LFTR nuclear and geothermal power plants FAST.

One of the biggest geothermal resources is the Yellowstone super volcano area, but that thought is as scary as despite LFTR nuclear technology was available in the 1950's but humans very stupidly went with water fission reactors, similarly some idiot would drill into the magna chamber despite warning sights or due to above ground real estate availability thus setting off the super eruption, mankind it seems does not know how to be intelligent and not just excited.

Let us not forget a lot of power plants worldwide are still nasty upstream hidden emitters using coal, oil, natural gas or even trash and biomass of cutting down perfectly good trees.  and will remain so.

A company like karpowership ( ) could build or convert one or more of its power ships to an on the fly LNG manufacturing facility in the water using hydrogen - to make syngas or directly as hydrogen - and sail the seas with a LFTR powering the ship and making and compressing hydrogen or syngas and selling it in ports of call to replace Natural Gas which would make more sense than electric vehicles period with zero emissions and zero need to mine new minerals for new complicated technology few will be able to service.

When Spacex's starship explodes one day on one launch likely due to among other things the harmonics off 33 rocket engines or the failure of one cascading , Elon Musk won't look like such a genius because electrification of transportation vehicles is just plain dumb to carry fuel in the form of dangerous electrical energy stored in batteries



 Changing The World's Current Energy System . . .

 Hydrogen is the most abundant of all elements in the universe.

Hydrogen can replace gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas.

Hydrogen like electricity is classed as an energy carrier.

Hydrogen can be produced and consumed with zero impact on the environment.

Hydrogen can be used to fuel internal combustion engines (ICE) and fuel cell vehicles. A fuel cell car can go 2.8 times farther on a kilogram of hydrogen than an ICE car on a gallon of gasoline.

Hydrogen can be used to cook and heat with.

Hydrogen can be used to store mega watt utility scale energy.

Hydrogen will reduce the dependence on imported fuels.

Hydrogen is as safe, and in many cases safer, than the use of gasoline, diesel or natural gas and can mix with any of them for use in gaseous or vapor in even a compression engine. 

Hydrogen produced by renewable energy can enable sustainable energy independence.

Hydrogen working with batteries and renewables can enable Smart Micro Grids to become the status quo

We make on the fly Hydrogen fueling solutions that  can directly replace or supplement most any hydrocarbon or flame / so called biomass  fueling application in existence.  Burning Hydrogen will help move the water back to the poles and cool the planet.  Our competitor Hydrogenics was bought by Cummins the heavy Engine manufacturer in 2019, so you know this is a serious well thought out solution to global warming.  See…;  Currently as of this writing November 1, 2021,  in America, the Biden Administration talked a lot but has no plan to move seriously forward.  The answer is NOT electric cars - and is VERY shortsighted.  At its core the real problem is over population of the planet, and short of what COVID is offering up, the answer is to drop fossil fuel use immediately and switch to Hydrogen use.  It burns, produces water vapor, into the air which form clouds and rains back to the planet much of which will end up at the poles as ice and snow, and will end droughts in other places. It would be an easy and cost effective way to reverse flow and convert pipelines to carry seawater inland for fuel stock, because it is senseless to use fresh water for a huge variety of reasons. 

We do the Hydrogen answer shown in this video for fueling. go to 1 hour 38 minutes into the video (1.38) to jump right to it. 

The price of Diesel fuel as of May 1, 2022 has hit an all time high with some stations in California charging $6.99 per gallon. This video explains why and why it is another kick to US inflation. but it erroneously conclude that there is no replacement for Diesel engine fuel.  Not so - Hydrogen again there can bi-fuel up to 90 percent unlike CNG or Propane which over heats with high Exhaust Gas Temperatures ( EGT's). It can either be fuel injected or flow mixed with our HCNG mixer. 

If the world wants to stop the Ukraine war - fast track to build Hydrogen Generation plants and connect the gas output with an oderant added to existing Gas lines.  It can even be mixed with Natural gas in the pipeline.  See and… or "Google"  " seawater hydrogen generation " to start - there are large firms ready to do this on a fast track.  We are not a large firm like these are.

As of May 1, 2022 Mr. Putin, the Russian President has been waging a war against the Ukraine, and if the world were not running on Petroleum, Mr. Putin would have no revenue stream incoming  to maintain the war.  Besides the revenues Russia is refusing to sell certain Petroleum products unless paid immediately  in Russian Rubles by the buyer transferring the payment.  Again if the world were using Hydrogen fueling - seawater is everywhere to be drawn and used to make Hydrogen - and burring it can either be vented directly as steam into the atmosphere to cause climate change by cooling the planet, causing cloud cover and moving precipitation around the globe or condensed out to be used again.  Eventually because of how weather moves on Earth snowfall will find its way back to the poles as ice caps and the sea levels would slowly fall to 20th century levels.   Hence Petroleum would have little value as a cash product, and this war from Mr. Putin who have little value and the Sanctions the world has imposed would be working swiftly.  Julia Ioffee interviewed for Frontline PBS Special "Putin's War" sums the history of Putin accurately here at and here

There is a lot of dreaming about going to space and colonization of other planets like Mars but the reality is that is science fiction and here is a documentary that is  science fact  why that is not going to happen, or be successful or work if at all for long.  It is more human craziness.  See

Here's the simple fact.  Hydrogen is the only way - but everyone trying to promote this acts like the Hydrogen just comes out of thin air.  Tanked Hydrogen is a polite mess, and more dangerous than one thinks, and Hydrogen in the gas line systems that exist is just not likely to happen.  The grafting and lies have already started.  In the UK Bosch is trying to say you need to buy a new Hydrogen device to replace you natural gas device. That is BUNK.  Their excuse is the Hydrogen flame is invisible, and that is not true either - it is not seen in bright light, but it does not justify anything more than at best an orfice retrofit or extra care.  For a cooktop a heat change paint or material could be used. See  It is a boring slow moving group of Brits trod ding along.    We can supply you with a Hydrogen generator that can be fed by fresh, waste, urine - or urine mixed, methanol or ethanol or methanol or ethanol mixed or polluted or direct sea water - including use of E85 mixed with water stock as an anti-freeze solution base . Then there is the Transportation sector doing the same thing. See this group of videos and keep in mind how nearly not one single one of these address where you get Hydrogen.  That is what we do on the fly.  See and and and   Plain and simple Hydrogen is largely a drop in replacement for Natural Gas, and with orifice changes - Propane also called LPG.  Where you get it on the fly is what we do.

To be clear all the answers are shown in the video but only so far the Chinese have caught on and moving forward.  See again. because global warming is about to go run away while everyone twittles their thumbs - see as huge amounts of methane are escaping from melting permafrost of the Arctic worldwide.  (NOVA Season 49 Episode 1 aired February 2, 2022).  Huge sinkholes are opening up in the Arctic and dissolved methane in water are running fish stocks away and Arctic Native peoples ground is softening and dropping as homes built on stilts on the permafrost are sinking and moving about.  See also at as mankind's clock to address global warming just went to zero hour marked in February 2022.

Below the pic shows how an existing engine is modified to run dual fuel.  It can still run on its existing fuel or bi-fuel on both at the same time or be switched over to the new fuel, BUT due to law, one CANNOT disconnect or tamper with the existing OEM fuelling system, it can only be modified to bi-fuel so long as it remains smog (emissions) compliant  On a larger scale this can also be used to supplement ground distribution Gaseous gas lines - as Hydrogen mixes readily with all fuels.  As an EPA registered company this is what we do for you - design the system and register it with the EPA as tested to be compliant

typical H2 fueling

See how bad it looks globally in this scientific documentary here => "Can We Cool the Planet" and now see the REAL problem is actually that the planet Earth is over populated compounded by nasty sloppy industrialisation found here at and    it basically says - trying to fix global warming is largely hopeless because the planet is already over-populated.   The two of these realities is burning hydrogen as fuel worldwide will produce cooling cloud  cover naturally. and gently move water around as rain and back to the poles to loser sea le els. That is why burning hydrogen does ALL of what is required to solve the problem.  However the biggest polluters Russia and China did not show up at COP 26 - which collectively shows how smart those two nations really are.   At least one nation is on the Hydrogen path to zero emissions - Austria, See…

Probably the best solution to high unemployment is to put people to work converting the world to Hydrogen, Geothermal, tidal action, hydrothermal powering.  It is something built as people maintain distance largely from one another and begins the task of cleaning a planet that has been abused to the point of over population and getting close to an inability to support humanoid life much longer. Probably one of the worst things that can be done is to hodge podge all kinds of energy efforts, but that is probably what will happen if anything at all.  We are going to do our best to make sure that does not happen.

Elon Musk - and his electric Tesla cars - is just plain wrong

Wrong about what??  Mostly everything he envisions.  He has Asperger's syndrome a genetic disorder of the brain.  It is characterised by "tunnel vision". See and the TED talk found at of early May 2022 before the Twitter deal was approved. 

1.  Electric vehicles are not the answer as their manufacture alone needs for them to be driven  at least 13,500 miles before the manufacture carbon foot print is neutralized.  See… and… however he went all in without looking and nearly crashed and burn with Tesla, and if combustion engine technology refuels with on the fly hydrogen it will bankrupt the EV industry. 

 2.  Humans as as a multi-planet species is not responsible because humans cannot understand this planet Earth nor that humans are two genetic species with most a hybrid of the Neanderthals.  Mr. Musk needs to get out of that tunnel to understand what that means. 

3.  Rocketry using hydrocarbon fuels is commercially viable but is socially irresponsible causing huge pollution on each launch. Flying electrically or heavy lift to the edge of space and hydrogen from there would be more responsible save the fact that every use of hydrogen outside the atmosphere is removing water from the planet. 

4.  If Mr. Musk understood the human brain of most of the online community and how gullible and tribal they will become he would NOT buy Twitter or would buy it and shutter it. 

Being Rich does not translate to wisdom and in fact if you have Asperger Syndrome it translates into stupidity because by definition you have tunnel vision. 

On an episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, season 20 episode 16 you can find at HBO or he makes a point about Mr Musk which illustrates how unable a person with Asperger Syndrome thinks in matters of social reality.  In the below tweet Maher showed Mr Musk illustrates why in times past he would have been labelled an "Idiot Savant" and dismissed in much of what he says.  Mr Musk illustrates how genuinely juvenile his thought is. (click on the image to view full size)  In fact Mr. Musk has his position exactly backwards.

Bill Maher called Mr Musk "stupid" by saying that "I am NOT going to call him stupid"  which used in the context he said it in - is exactly what Bill did - called him stupid. Maher is right because "stupid" means unable to make a wise decision "  and Musk himself has illustrated time and again how he came perilously close to financial disaster in his endeavours.  If Hydrogen takes off as a free fuelling source of energy it could still happen and the electric car will die again.  The show also addresses the LGBTQ issue and polls being inaccurate on the issue because young people are generally stupid also in what they want or say in typical Maher tongue in cheek but accurate style.

Mr. Musk needs to explore and understand what recorded history beginning with the Sumaritian texts shows how modern anatomical man was bred to be docile and intelligent while outside of Mesopotamia - the Neanderthal "smart apes" sought to steal the advances of modern man and his teachers.  Following the Neanderthals and Roman Empire fighting and dealing with them it a question if Mr. Musk with his tunnel vision might understand genetic eradication of certain genes are needed before humans become a space faring species because humans are beasts that other intellectual life might not allow off the planet Earth. 

There are literally thousands of creatures on planet earth that behave and think better than humans obviously dumb enough to be trendy and buy a Tesla.  They are dumb because they do not know what they are buying - a rolling fire trap.

A Tesla vehicle is a really dumb thing to buy as in 5 to 6 years old at 150k on the odometer it is six years old but also may need a new battery pack at 6 to 13 k not including installation.  People ask 30 k for the used vehicle and it has no utility to haul or carry cargo or pull a trailer even. Most people who buy used cars are not the type to spend so much on a trendy purchase.  But it was cool to buy and own.  Tesla claims - using junk yard statistics that the car's battery will last - loosing only ten percent of its power by 200.000 miles.  See but the truth is battery problems start early they are calling "vampire drain" where the charge doesn't hold or drops just being parked..

Early adopters of electric cars really got burned, but there is as of the end of 2022 early 2023 coming battery and other technologies to address vehicle longevity and fire safety.  See https:// www however anyone would rely on mechanical systems over electrical systems for safety and control.  Several planes have crashed due to fly by wire software sensor issues and good old mechanical hydraulic brakes will always stop the car where electric motor regeneration braking can fail due electric issues. 

On the flip side one could bi-fuel or solely fuel with minor lawful engine mods on use of on the fly hydrogen and be able to go anywhere with all the utility of any internal combustion engine serviceable anywhere or even you personally on near free fuel stock fuelling.  (to solely fuel a super or turbo charger is needed for best performance)  Plus having an accident could be deadly as any damage to the battery pack could result in a non-extinguishable fire that will end you before you can be extracted by first responders. See and and you can prove this to yourself by bending any modern thin cell phone battery and watch it burst into flames - the same lithium battery that powers a Tesla.  Lastly there is the "vampire drain" which appears is common where the battery just begins to NOT hold a charge, and this is a feature you can see in a cell phone also.

The building of lithium batteries is not sustainable as it a relatively rare commodity and to cause a fire, just bend or twist or otherwise damage one.  There aren't enough Teslas on the road right now, but when it reaches a level where accidents are common with people who lack good sense on the road, the fiery crashes will likely increase, and in collision with Gasoline powered vehicles could be very bad.  People have sold their Tesla or the insurance companies have totalled them out -because the issue with a damaged back pack is to risky to put on the road and insure again even if repaired.

Biden tried and then Putin's War happened and the pandemic kept going strong

President Biden was swiftly moving forward with beginning the process of re-powering America.  An Executive Order speaks to procurement - but gets at the heart f other laws and regulations under the EPA Fueling Program.   .See   Without Congressional action to adjust the Clean Air Act - it is an ugly iffy proposition for a company to try this alone.  This order will do more good than all the amateur hour orders of Trump in one felt swoop to re-lead America down a better path to recovery.  Not only will the government buy better solutions, but the EPA can use this to direct companies who want to re-power with new solutions.  However no companies are taking advantage of this, and people like Boris Johnson are paying lip service.  See… when the reality is humans are going backward with space shots that are needless.  See… and… and another way is to decrease the population of the Earth, which COVID-19 is working on for us. 

The problem is the Biden plan focuses on electric vehicles as a transportation solution when America's electrical grid system is not robust enough to handle an extra load of electric vehicles charging en mas.  Recently in mid February 2021 Texas was hit with a cold snap - that overloaded it's individual electric power grid and caused the state to largely black out and people to freeze and the entire system to grind to near a halt.  After all you need electricity to even pump gasoline - even it is is at thee service station in the ground.  It would not have been a time to have an electric vehicle in Texas or be travelling through Texas driving one.  See… and…; Electric vehicles have a strange extra load necessity like wipers, heater, air conditioning, headlights, radio and braking while regenerative  does not do do that much.  If you cannot find a charging station - or it is already occupied and you can go no further on your charge level - or it is out of service there is no clearly way to say - unless you have a hybrid like a Volt or Prius - you would be you would be screwed.  You would be better off letting us built you a custom Hydrogen powered Hybrid from a GM SUV or Truck that then still has emergency powering capability from old style fossil fuel prolusion.  America's biggest place of Geothermal power is in the Yellowstone  area and because of how the electrical grid is currently built electrical transmission and distribution could grow as expensive - if not more so - than fossil fuel.  The dirty little secret is - the electric grid lacks the capacity and is "dirty" - as there are STILL many COAL fired power plants and - even natural gas fired ones too.

Here is what Mr. Biden had to say as lip service at COP 26.  See… and several CNN videos of the same subject usually will follow until they circle back to the first one you came in on.  None of them show a solution that will work.

Al Gore makes a point in this interview - amongst other things - that Mr. Trump in his denial of Global Warming issues actually sparks more violent protests.…

January 6, 2021 President Biden's "Climate Envoy" John Kerry was interviewed on CNN's GPS show and unfortunately - he mentioned Hydrogen in passing - and went on with "glittering generalities" and at the end of the interview he failed to identify how the Biden Plan "will cool the planet".  Currently we see another "hodge-podge".   The interview is here =>…;  See also…;

But film maker Michael Moore shows the blunt hard truth in his film "Planet of the Humans" which at this writing can be found in full at and it is 1 hour 40 minutes running time.  the fact that YouTube - in essence Google leaves to play in full means it is a serious matter they consider it.  The conclusion is the Earth is over populated right now and there is no way out but to stop burning fossil fuels and if we want to eat beef - then we need to sequester them under a dome and capture the emissions of methane they emit to begin with.

The fact that General Motors announced that it will exclusively offer electric vehicles by 2035, is not about climate change - it is about the fact that they cannot profitably afford to manufacturer both internal combustion engine vehicle and electric vehicles - and issue GM knew and discovered when they put the EV-1 on the market momentarily.  This plays to the fact that the reality is the world runs on Internal Combustion Engines for mechanical energy - and that is actually a good thing.  A fuel cell is ideal for a space station application because you want to make water out of Hydrogen, but on Earth - a fuel cell can only consume Hydrogen and cannot make more - whereas an Internal Combustion Engine cn use its rotational energy to make electricity which can by electrolysis make more hydrogen - or re-make Hydrogen from that it just burned and made water out in its exhaust  in the process which can be condensed and re-spilt to make Hydrogen.  Use of Sea Water to make Hydrogen will also help to lower sea levels in the short term.  Using the Biden electrification plan - new power planets and electrical infrastructure upgrades will need to happen really fast.  Of course it can also be re-condensed and recycled for fuel again in cold climates where one does not want water dripping on the road to freeze into ice.  Then there is the need for people to have to buy their own charging system or sit at a charging station for quite a while waiting on a vehicle to charge.  A private Electric Vehicle Charger is about 200 to 1000 dollars.  See e.g.…; an eBay search on whatever is listed currently.

In short the FASTEST way to make a difference is to begin burning Hydrogen ONLY immediately

When and if it breaks down - you may find yourself so sorry you bought into electric - when you and very few other people can fix it - but to cost big money buying expensive  Remove  and Replace parts only.  Then there is the fact that electric cars are a riding bomb - because if those lithium ion batteries short, or get damaged in a crash they will burst into flames that cannot be extinguished until the lithium is consumed and in the end if you could not get out - you get roasted.  See…

Here is a group of videos to see before getting involved with Tesla. and and. and  and and and so  Tesla in response to getting a growing bad reputation and loosing market share and education of the China connection is now back tracking a little bit but only if they do the repairs to a salvaged vehicle.  See.…

The Solution

We are an EPA registered and California Air resources Board (CARB) consultant and "go between" to manufacture and register and  assist in solution development for alternative low pressure on the fly Hydrogen fueling and bi-fueling  solutions.  These solutions must meet current Clean Air Act standards which we will assure they do for solutions such as fleets and home re-fueling use.  This is a serious and global re-fueling market that in America will require products made and sourced from American made parts or materials and in some cases may be restricted for export.

If you do not get it here is the reality of what the world is today - again . . . watch this movie called "The Planet of the Humans" also found here at and…;   it basically says - trying to fix global warming is largely hopeless because the planet is already over-populated.  This is actually alarming true science.  We heed to produce cloud cover and replant more trees and  develop  vegetarian non-animal meat based food sources - for Beef and other meats - to help cool the Planet and cause more precipitation to return to the poles to lower the Ocean levels again.  Most People who are not intellectually stimulated to think about how the Planet "works" do not think in this direction at all - but today the young population is thinking about it nd sees the science is not in the favor of how the status quo is killing the place we all live globally. Here is a series to watch  "A Perfect Planet" is another BBC documentary from which touches on how animal interaction with a once very stable climate is now changing due to mans chopping the environment apart.

Here is reality  that Biden is now working hard to fix a trashed government =>…

See how bad it looks globally in this scientific documentary here => "Can We Cool the Planet"  another that may directly launch in a browser at… or  -Panorama_s68_e48 at  The simplest thing is to switch from fossil fuels to Hydrogen - which actually recycles from cloud cover to help cool the planet to rain to be used again. 

This is the ONLY way with fueling engines of any kind - to get to zero emissions as well as burning fuel for heating and cooking.  The problem with Hydrogen is it does not lend itself to being carried around in tanks of sufficient quantity and safely to compare with fossil fuels, so it must be made on the fly at low pressures instead to be even safer than fossil fueling.  Research has even been done on Hydrogen powering all types of aircraft.  See  and… - it just has never been done yet with an on the fly fueling design.  This is the ONLY safe way to distribute and use Hydrogen.

Nuclear Energy for electricity iis absolutely the worst thing to ever do - given geothermal is safer, free, and leaves no disposal issues for millennia to come.  It remains to be seen if the world's leaders are smart enough to get anything at all done towards this.  While shooting rockets off the planet sends effectively Earth's water into space never to return,  (and yes we should stop that) using Hydrogen purely for fuel made from water stock on the planet simply returns the water back to earth in the form of life giving rains while momentarily providing cloud cover to help keep cool the planet and reflect high heat from the sun.

There are going to be those who holler "fuel cells" - "fuel cells" and this is the absolutely wrong way to go also.

1,  Fuel cells make electricity and water.  That means an electric vehicle.  In 50% of the US 50% of the year is a below freezing climate.  To exhaust that onto a road makes ice and also when shut off  the fuel cell itself can freeze.  Neither are useful a good scenario.  Manufacturers claim they have solved and addressed this - but the truth is they will say anything.  See for a neutral analysis…;  and

2.  Fuel cells need pure hydrogen which means buying it for compressed storage or metal hydride storage adding expense and also not a good idea for those reasons and the cost of building a hydrogen CHG network

3.  Hydrogen can made many ways even by reforming fossil fuels which also produces CO2  and water - an easy way is from potable drinking water, which needs to be prohibited by Federal law because there is not enough potable drinking water for animal life now so while seawater and sewage water might be easily used - only seawater would not eventually put us back in the potable water delimna..  That means in some places pipelines would need to be build towards the inland US

4.  Fuel cells are a reverse PEM Hydrogen generator and long story short that membrane - also known as Nafion from 3m is "plastic" and when it gets a hole - even a pin hole the technology fails.  See article item 1.- Just the summary alone tells the story.  Finally Hydrogen should be used to replace fossil fuels for fueling - not create a new morass of a technology to present problems and costs.

5.  Lastly it is completely new technology in commerce meaning a new kind of person needs to bee trained to work on them and maintain them - it is just too much to take on at on time.

In short fuel cells are not a smart cost effective solution

Our system does not demand absolute pure hydrogen, and since it is burned as fuel, it is either returned to the tank to condense out the water in the exhaust or - and the fuel stock itself is an anti-freeze fuel stock that will not freeze.

Humans tend to make short-sighted mistakes like using fuel cells and electric vehicle would cause, and it has happened in History previously - all the time - see  and where in the reference to the Hoover Dam, the point is made how no one even thought about what would happen when the vegetation flooded over by Lake Mead because to rot and release methane gas, which rising to the surface has made Lake mead behind Hoover Dam the most dangerous lake in the US sinking craft, exploding them, and killing water skiers and swimmers.  Also found on as but requires a cable provider sign in.

Humans have some really far out there beliefs all over the planet,  but with COVID-19 only science will save you, and it is pretty complex science given how complex the virus itself is.  These wild beliefs will kill and isolate millions over time.  It is so interesting that literally 20 million doses of vaccine paid for and allegedly delivered to the Federal government cannot be located after the Trump administration left office.  See… that is 400 million dollars that just disappeared.   (20 dollars a dose)  the sad reality is there was at least two solutions that had a better chance at saving lives - a drug called "DRACO" and even the simple use of Copper orally both would kill the virus directly.  The New York Times wrote an article Copper Wont  Save You From Coronavirus,  (see   local copy here )  and it illustrates a journalist trying to be a physician and not understanding how it is  done and the difference between how Copper is used - and we have the same issue with how Hydrogen must be used.  Copper WILL save you from coronavirus taken orally and the National Institutes of Health  (  in a good number of  articles (  April 16, 2020  May 5, 2020  August 7, 2020   August 15, 2020   August 28, 2020  and November 10, 2015 - coronavirus generally  ) scientifically contradicts  the New York times article and the article should be retracted..  But worse the hope everyone puts on a vaccine is misplaced - as a  Vaccine will only help to keep you from getting sick IF your immune system is strong enough ho fight off the COVID attack, - but does not fight it off or kill it if the vaccine protection fails.   It is a bad bet to make - solely.  These kinds of details screwed up in a pandemic we know in a re-fueling effort will find the same ineptitude from politicians.   A lot of people died who did not need to - had this kind of information been known to the public.  Oral copper - taken as Copper Sulfate elevates the aqueous copper in the body fluids and kills or inactivates the virus when it tries to invade a cell.  This author has seen it work in 30 minutes to dry up and end sniffles and mucous in the throat and stop the headache and sore throat coming on.  But big pharma is having a field day selling new vaccines.

The world is in crisis with COVID-19, unemployment and the general need for people to stay clear of one another.  If you think COVID-19 is not serious be advised just catching it subject's you to Neurological and brain damage only identified to the extent of which is determined by your DNA.  In other words in addition to other organ  damage which would also be permanent too - it could affect Cognitive function.  See among others…

We make on the fly made Hydrogen fueling systems - and our flagship product of interest is an Electricity Generator  (a.k.a. a GenSet) family that can be used anywhere you have a water source - so it is water fueled but, cleanly hydrogen powered for what ever the cost of the water is - polluted, urine or sea water as an anti-freeze treated with methanol for extreme colder climates.  It can even bi-fuel with Diesel engines to reduce fuel use and emissions and increase power.

It must be said straight away - fresh potable drinking water cannot be used for this as it will just create a fresh water crisis. HOWEVER in an "extended" configuration a unit using polluted or other water stock can be configured to condense the exhaust of a pure Hydrogen powered unit and obtain water pure enough to treat easily to be potable.

Water management is critical to life on Earth, and right now the Fossil fuel industry and Water is at odds to destroy the habitability of Planet Earth.  Mankind is depleting Ground Water for drinking for communities and growing crops when what it really needed is more natural precipitation - a.k.a. - rain.  Water does not leave the planet - but fired off in a Rocket as Hydrogen fuel, (which really should also be halted - but no one is listening there either)  - but FRESH water is what is critical to the existence of human life on the planet as it accounts for only about 3 percent of available water.   See all three episodes of  But unlike Fossil Fuels - Water can be made into fuel and returned as Water over and over again right back to the Planet to also help cool the planet with cloud cover and to decrease CO2 levels and help to thus  move water about in the atmosphere to end droughts in some places.  It can be used as Seawater directly to make Hydrogen  and when burned produces clean potable water if condensed out of an engine exhaust.  Our Hydrogen Generators can use Seawater or its human made cousin,  Urine which is also "salt water" too.  See e.g.

Hydrogen also mixes with Methane - also called "Natural Gas" or in tanked form "CNG" and is  very close drop in replacement  depending on the application it is being burned for.  When burned Hydrogen simply produces water vapor - and joins the clouds to become rain back on the planet.  In the process - the cloud cover and lack of CO2 production cools the atmosphere robbing it 's ability to "hold" moisture and create huge storms like are being seen today.

This is a simple way to save the Earth - but no one in the Fossil Fuel industry will like it - and nor do they like it - because it disrupts and makes useless the billions of dollars in infrastructure the Fossil fuel  and Hydrocarbon fuel engine industry has.

It seems no one realizes how urgent it is to switch to Hydrogen fueling worldwide  because it appears the Earth has already passed the point of a graceful and manageable  halt to Global Warming which will also cause the extinction of many species of both animal and plant life and climate change so extreme it will endanger humanoid existence also.  The wonderful thing about hydrogen is combusting it returns it to clean water again - so in essence there is no consumption of the water only a cleaning of it . . .  so it is great to use polluted or even salt water to make Hydrogen.

Lots of conventional thinking trying to commercialize Hydrogen is expensive and / or overly high tech for no reason that makes Hydrogen use feasible.  This article was grafted from where they "almost" got it right - but executed how to do it feasibly terribly.  Sadly, one thing is for SURE - Hydrogen cannot be sold - in botles ready to go - it must be made at low pressures for direct use immediately as our system does.

Countries like China, one of the main coal consumers, are eager to shift from coal to cleaner energy technologies.  But there is a greater reason to fuel with Hydrogen - mo mining and almost no transport is needed as the water infrastructure mostly exists or the water itself exists in the location the fuel is needed.  Furthermore, on a global scale, we are using 50% more resources than the earth can replenish in a year – the equivalent of using 1.5 planets per year! – Obviously not a sustainable business model.  If the World switched to on the fly Hydrogen fueling we could clean up and use polluted water, reduce production costs and cool the planet in the reduction of CO2.

If you do not believe Global Warming caused by Man is real - go watch this episode of NOVA (Season 47 Episode 1) - a two hour well presented documentary at and then if you do not believe then you simply lack the intelligence to observe reality caused by empirical scientific  facts.  Only a rapid switch to Hydrogen fueling will halt and reverse the warming cycle.  For how serious it is affecting a major US city - Miami - read this =>…

The earth has a natural carbon cycle, where carbon dioxide is produced naturally and then taken in by plants to grow and produce oxygen. But by extracting and burning fossil fuels for energy production we disrupt this natural cycle, because the additional carbon dioxide generated cannot be converted back into fossil fuels (it usually takes a few million years…). If the amount of CO2 we generate continues to increase, it is predicted that global temperatures will increase at least 3 °C by the end of the century, which will change the earth’s ecosystem and have a huge impact on our daily life. What most people do not know - is how much the Meat industry is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.  See "Our Planet Matters - Is Meat a Threat to Our Planet"??  See and also found at


There are many downsides to the heavy reliance on fossil fuels for our energy needs:

  • Carbon dioxide is not the only harmful gas produced from burning fossil fuels. Many other substances such as carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxides are also released into the atmosphere. This leads to high levels of air pollution all over the world, which can lead to cancer and other health problems (World Health Organization). Prevention should be our first aim, because pollution is produced all across the world, we are all sharing the same air!
  • We are heavily reliant on fossil fuels for a variety of other applications, including plastics, pharmaceuticals and fertilizers to grow food for an ever-increasing population (10 billion by 2050). Supply of non-renewable resources is important for more than just the energy industry.
  • Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and oceans is leading to global warming. This is already having an impact on The World's climatic system, and in the future we will see more frequent bush fires, more severe and longer droughts and eventually some of our nation’s most beautiful landmarks such as the Great Barrier Reef will be gone not to mention seas levels rising such to the point Venice Italy will soon be underwater.
  • The World's economy relies heavily on mining and exporting primary resources. What is going to drive the economy in the future and provide us with an healthy economy when these resources are gone?


What Could Be Done Instead?

Relying on energy resources that take millions of years to produce is not the most effective way to power any society. What if we could move towards an abundant yet sustainable energy system?

We have resources such as the sun, wind and water all around us, and with clever use of these resources we could have clean, affordable and infinite energy. Rather than fossil fuels being mined and energy generated in large power plants, households, businesses and industries could become completely self-sufficient, renewable micro-energy systems. People could use their waste waters to fuel whatever they need fueled.


What the pic above does not show is burning pure hydrogen produces water vapor - a.k.a. steam, which rise and form clouds that rain the water back to the planet in a clean form.  It will cool the planet slightly and deposit snow and ice back to the polar regions. reducing sea level rise.

We are not talking about what is commonly called "HHO" which is dangerous oxy-hydrogen gas which can easily spontaneously ignite if compressed and heated just a small amount, a.k.a. explode.  We are talking about and our units make 99.9 percent pure California Legal standard motor fuel hydrogen.  at CCR  § 2292.7. Specifications for Hydrogen. 13 CA ADC § 2292.7 see  Our system is safe as Hydrogen will not ignite until mixed with Oxygen; and stores small amounts of pure Hydrogen at low pressures needed to restart the consumption device and then generates the rest on the fly to keep the device running.

The problem with a Solar energy vision is the irregular nature of wind, solar and other renewables, and ultimately the lack of energy storage systems that are more effective than batteries. Electricity production from renewables is seasonal, and any excess electricity produced must be stored for the days with no wind or less sun. Furthermore, for Australia to become a global exporter in clean energy, the energy produced from renewables must also be effectively stored for distribution. The solution to this problem is to generate and / or store additional electricity in the form of use of a fuel like hydrogen because it is clean and very efficient. Hydrogen has an energy density of 39 kWh/kg, which means that 1 kg of hydrogen contains 130 times more energy than 1kg of batteries. So lots of energy can be produced with hydrogen in only a small volume.

Solar panels, wind turbines or any other form of renewables could be used to generate electricity to locally power homes and domestic industries, and any excess electricity can be used for splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, with the hydrogen stored for later use. Additional hydrogen could also be produced through the degradation of organic waste increasing the efficiency of current recycling schemes. The stored hydrogen can then be converted back into electricity or other forms of energy when needed, via a fuel cell or direct combustion. Using hydrogen this way provides a path for effectively harvesting renewable energy and a sustainable path for unlimited clean energy with the only emission being pure water!

How Can We Make It Happen?

As a gas, hydrogen has low density, i.e. it occupies a very large volume. We must utilise ways to make and use it on the fly on a large scale for its practical and everyday use. For example: to power a car with hydrogen for 400 km, a hydrogen balloon 5 m in diameter is required. This is obviously not practical; so all the hydrogen required needs to be packed into a much smaller form, thus on the fly made hydrogen is the only way.


There is no feasible economical  solution for storing large amounts of hydrogen in a compact form. Metals and compounds such as magnesium and sodium borohydride can absorb a lot of hydrogen (up to 10% of their own weight) like a sponge would absorb water. The beauty of this concept is that once the hydrogen is absorbed by the material it is indefinitely stored in a totally safe manner. Controlling the temperature of the materials will allow fully reversible uptake and release of hydrogen.  However it is too expensive for a large scale.

Today only a few materials  can absorb and release hydrogen at ambient temperature. Unfortunately, these materials are heavy and thus can only store small amount of hydrogen (less than 1.5 wt%, i.e. 1.5 % of their own weight).

Many other materials, like borohydrides, can to store large amounts of hydrogen (up to 18.4 wt%). However, the use of this material is currently limited by the need for high temperatures to enable the release hydrogen and extremely high pressures (above 300 times atmospheric pressure) for hydrogen uptake. We need to find a way to use these materials without the extreme conditions.

While fuel cells use hydrogen gas and the oxygen from the air to make electricity and also clean water this is not always the best solution to leverage today's technology because it is both an expensive re-invent and a need to train or obtain maintenance personnel  which largely do not exist to match that technology.

Ford Motor Company has done quite a bit of Internal Combustion Engine technology concept development - up to recognizing this weakness and even built a mixed use Hydrid enghine that can use Gas, Alcohol or Hydrogen.

Ford has done it in a production E 450 shuttle bus vehicle and a TRI FLEX FUELED concept vehicle they call the Super Chief.  They use tanked Hydrogen and we use on the fly made Hydrogen.   The Hydrogen generator systems than can do this are not for sale to the general public from us, but can be provided only in a lawfully CARB approved or EPA waivered ssystem in the United States.  Our system is available to be a dropin replacement or supplemental fueling for  Natural GAS and CNG and Propane applications as well as bi-fueling Diesel applications.

please wait

In the Ford system a Supercharger provides an 18 psi boost for hydrogen fuel only. When running on hydrogen, the supercharged V 10 provides up to 12% fuel economy improvement on an energy equivalent basis versus a non supercharged gasoline V 10. In addition, when operating on hydrogen, the Tri Flex V 10 generates 99% less CO2 emissions than when running on gasoline.  The real savings with our system is the fuel is FREE as you make it on the fly that you return to the tank if condensing exhaust or to the air as clean steam to form clouds that make rain again onto the planet.

The engine features a dual injection system: one handling gasoline and E85, the other fuels the hydrogen. The F 250 Super Chief stores 11.2 kg of hydrogen in a 700 bar tank system.  700 bar by the way is 10,000 psi.  We can build by lawfully modifiying engine systems like this without the tanks.

Ford F 250 Super Chief Tri Flex Fuel Concept
Power310 hp (231 kW)310 hp (231 kW)280 hp (209 kW)
Torque576 Nm576 Nm542 Nm
Supercharge boost––18 psi
Fuel economy12 mpg US8.6 mpg US13.6 miles/kg
Range336 miles241 miles150 miles
Emissions ratingULEVULEVSULEV



No one else offers you all the things you need to get this job done lawfully.    You cannot do thius yourself unless you have a vehicle 1974 or older.  Here's why:

In 1997, California's smog law was changed to the "30 year rolling window" that exempted cars older than 30 years from being smogged. It was called SB42, and that only lasted a few years. A few years later, a new bill was written to change it back to a fixed date, and was piggy backed onto a bill about carpool lanes, and the "Governator" signed it. California's Smog Check website spells it out clearly:

Beginning January 1, 2005, vehicles 6 or less model years old are exempt from the biennial Smog Check inspection requirement. For vehicles with registration renewals due in the 2006 calendar year, this exemption includes model years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Beginning January 1, 2005, vehicles 4 or less model years old are exempt from the Smog Check inspection requirement upon change of ownership and transfer of title transactions with DMV. In 2006, this exemption includes model years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.  While these vehicles are exempt from smog testing  -- STILL  one cannot tamper with to defeat or remove or modify the OEM emission system unless a manufacturer who has built and had approved a modification system

tri flex

We follow EPA regulations on re-powering engines and devices to Hydrogen fuel made on the fly from water stocks as outlined at in accordance with the EPA final rule found at  which largely is why consumers  and companies and fleet managers cannot do this themselves - an EPA  registered manufacturing company must do it .

So . . . when we "convert"  or design and build a system to bi-fuel an engine we prefer to do it this way above, so if your Hydrogen system fails . . . . you can keep running until it is fixed.   Thus the best solution is now available and on the market today at a cost cheaper than continuing to use fossil fuels - and it is to generate  on the fly hydrogen as we do in a system to "just in time" power or fuel the device.  The interesting thing is this not new

Imagine fueling up with an approved water based fuel stock - depending on you designed application which could be pond or sea water or even waste water. !!

Wilbur Union is an EPA registered  Delaware business entity as a manufacturer and the best and only way to contact us that will be responded to is to create an account automatically with us by purchasing something.  We recommend our Gashole Plugged documentary video.  If you have a project you would like to have considered in your purchase in the NOTES section leave the VIN number of the vehicle or item and / or a full and accurate commercial description of the item including manufacturer model, and engine type and we will respond to serious inquires only.  Conversions are not cheap, and your vehicle or project must be on an absolutely STOCK engine or vehicle or device - but decrease in cost per unit the more you do of the same engine or device family type, and we offer an affiliate relationship you share in for each and every engine family product  vended identical to yours after that so it is actually a good investment which will make you money over time.

Because of size limitations and cost - this is best suited to company fleets of trucks or vehicles large enough to loose or have space to mount equipment of about two half cubic yards of  equipment. Search this site using the word Hydrogen or Alternator



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